Order and delivery from ebay.de


Three ways of shopping on ebay.de

Your own personal assistant for shopping abroad

We’ll help you search for goods online and place orders

Find a product on ebay.de and send us a link to it

  • We accept bank cards and cryptocurrency
    Платёжные системы MasterCard, Visa, МИР, Крипта
  • We take care of order placement and communication with the seller
  • We apply all discounts and coupons when possible
  • We deliver from stores that generally do not ship abroad

Place your own order

Sign up and get your own delivery addresses for shopping abroad.

Use them to order goods from online stores of the USA, Europe, UAE and China. We receive your orders and ship them to you.

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We value the trust of our clients

Very fast and smooth delivery, my figure came in excellent condition!
I ordered delivery of the Samsung phone from US, repackaging took more days than I expected - 3 days. I got package just in time, all the tracking history was very clear. No damages, box was not broken:) I happy with a service and strongly recommend it to others. Attaching the picture of the content, the box itself is already in trash bin
I am happy of using this platform because such comfortable and useable things in this structure i dont know.
The goods were delivered very quickly despite the general quarantine. The goods were delivered safe and sound, everything was packed very carefully, there was not a single scratch on the box.
Excellent Service, Fast shipping process, They prepared my shipment for shipping in less than 10 min. The shipment arrived only in two days, which is so fast for international shipments especially in this crisis. I would try this service again and recommend others to try it.
When I started the account, I was not very confident of this service. But it turns out to be be outstanding service with reasonable charges!! Recieved all items intact. Highly recommended service, especially for middle-east countries.Loved it!!