
Purchasing assistant

  • How to place an order?

    Choose an item in the US or Deutsch webstore, copy a link, for example https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GEHZTLM?pf_rd_p=183f5289-9dc0-416f-942e-e8f213ef368b&pf_rd_r=4QV6NTF147PTG5D2STNY and insert it into a form Add order.
    Specify the required parameters for the item: color, size, quantity, and other additional information. 
    You can find out the cost of delivery within the country on the product page with the webstore. If you don’t know the delivery price, leave this field blank, our specialists will fill it in while making a purchase. 
    You can enter a promocode and any other additional information for our specialist (if you want us to bear smth in mind while making a purchase for you) in the comment to the order. 
    Check the filled in form and repeat the steps if you want to buy several items. Then click the Next button. 
    An individual order with the total including the cost of items and service commission will be created. 
    While the order is not paid for, you can edit it (changing the required parameters), add other items or delete it from your account. 
    To begin the process of buying you have to pay for the selected order or several orders in a convenient way (PayPal/card).
    Note: you may receive a clarifying question from a Support specialist in a message in your LiteMF account. We will wait for your answer for 10 days from the moment of the request. If you don’t answer within the time period specified, your order will be canceled. 

    The bought items are expected to be received at our warehouse within 2-14 days. Delivery time depends on the distance from the seller and on the delivery method chosen by them. 
    As soon as the items arrive to the warehouse, they will be registered in the system and then they will be shown in your account. You can consolidate them in one package or ship separately.

  • You can place orders with most well-known US and Deutsch webstores, there are no certain limitations.
    If we find out we can’t buy the items you've paid for with the exact webstore, we will cancel the order and issue you a full refund.

  • We are able to buy from the shops that don’t usually cooperate with forwarders. It is highly probable that the items will be bought, however, each case is considered individually. 
    Buying from the following shops is not available: macys.com, sephora.com, Tommy Hilfiger and some others. Contact our Support service and find out if it is possible to buy from a certain shop before you pay.

  • It’s not possible to make bids and take part in auctions.
    We can offer your price to the seller using Best offer option. If you want to purchase an item for which you can offer your price (Make offer), specify the sum you are ready to pay in the comment, and we will offer your price to the seller. In this case the time of buying may increase as it will depend on how fast the seller answers.

  • Support is waiting for your answer during 10 days. If you don’t answer within the specified period, the order will be canceled and money returned to your account on the website to the full extent.

  • If the item has been paid for but not bought yet, you can cancel it. If the procedure of buying hasn’t started yet, you can cancel it yourself by clicking on Cancel in your account. 
    If the Cancel button is not active, contact Support service, and we will check if it’s possible to cancel the order.

  • We contact the seller and try to find out the reason for the delay if we don’t get a shipping confirmation within a few days after placing the order. If we don’t solve the problem within two weeks, we return the cost of the order to the full extent, including the buying out fee.

  • The regulated time of buying is 2 business days and it can be increased if we have to specify your decision about the item when buying it (for example, in case the paid item characteristics/ cost/ availability/ time of delivery to the warehouse/ other aspects change)

  • Usually it is delivered to our warehouse within 2 — 14 business days (depending on the remoteness of the seller from our warehouse and on the delivery method chosen by them). If the seller is in Asia but sells through USA eBay, the time of delivery may be extended up to 45 days.

  • Average delivery time from our warehouse to the recipient via LiteMF Express, Air and Blu is 5–7 days. The total period of waiting for your order from the moment of purchase may be from 10 to 21 days.

  • There are no limitations. We will buy the item of any cost, however, you should take into account customs limitations in your country.

  • The fee is the same for all shops in the USA: it is 6% of the item’s cost but no less than $3. The fee is counted for each item individually, not for the whole order.
    Note: there is no comission for Purchasing Assistant in Germany at the moment the service gets started.

  • The cost of the delivery depends on the size and weight of the package as well as on the chosen delivery method.
    As soon as the package is ready to be shipped from our warehouse, you will know its weight and final cost.

  • If the price change doesn’t exceed 20% (but no more than $20), the item is bought without additional notification. In other cases you will get a notification from our employee and decide whether to buy the item with a new price or not.

  • Yes, you can consolidate the items bought with Purchasing Assistant into one package. You can also ship the items you bought yourself and the items you bought via our Assistant in one package. Note: the consolidation is available for each warehouse (US and Deutsch) separately, you can't combine items from different facilities into one Outgoing parcel.

  • To make a timely decision whether you are satisfied with the items or not, we recommend you to have your items checked when they arrive to the warehouse.
    To evaluate the condition of the items and their correspondence to the description, you can also order additional photos of the enclosure. The service won’t be provided if you add the items to the package before photoshoot. This rule is intended to make the warehouse processing quicker and to ship the package as soon as possible.

  • The items can be returned by objective and subjective reasons. The items are returned by objective reasons if:

    • the items are damaged
    • the items are incomplete
    • the items don’t correspond to the seller’s description
    • model, color, etc are different from what was ordered

    The items are returned by subjective reasons if you don’t like or need the items you’ve bought.

  • The items are returned by objective reasons if you have ordered them to be checked.
    If you haven’t ordered the items to be checked, it will cost $10, buying fee and cost of checking the items are not returned in this case.
    When returning the items by subjective reasons, it will also cost $10, buying fee and cost of checking the items are not returned.

  • Returning from our warehouse in the USA:

    • Create a request for the Client support. We find out if the return is possible, it depends on the shop’s policy.
    • If the items can be returned, we will send them back to the seller.
    • From the moment of shipping your items from our warehouse to the seller it may take 1-4 weeks for the money to be returned to your account depending on the return regulations of a certain shop.

    Returning the items after receiving the package:

    • Create a request for the Client support. We find out if the return is possible, it depends on the shop’s policy.
    • At your own expense you ship the items to our warehouse and send us a tracking number. Once we receive the items, we ship them to the seller.
    • Delivery from our warehouse to an online shop may take up to 2 weeks, money is usually returned within 2 weeks. In total it may take from 3 to 8 weeks between receiving the items at our warehouse and returning the money (depending on the shop’s working conditions and specifics of payment and bank system used in a certain case).

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